Legal Advice

The owner of this website is the entro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CCHS), belonging to the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), attached to the Ministry of Science and Innovation.


The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) informs you that the access and use of this website and all the subdomains and directories included within it (from now on, jointly referred as the Website) depend on the terms detailed in this Legal Notice, without prejudice to the access to some of the mentioned services or contents might require the acceptance of Additional General Conditions.

The CSIC reserves the right to make changes in the Website without notice, with the purpose of updating, correcting, modifying, adding or deleting contents or the design. As far as the information update is not immediate, we suggest you to always check the validity and accuracy of the information, services and contents presented. Likewise, the terms and conditions collected in the present Legal Notice might vary, hence we invite you to review these terms when you visit the Website.

The CSIC shall not be liable for damages and prejudices resulting from the use made of the tools and information contained in regarding decision-making about the start, development, or outcome of administrative procedures. Such decisions must be verified with the centres, organisms or competent agencies. In any case, the information and contents of this website may not be quoted in trial proceedings with the Public Administration, the latter assuming no liability for any discrepancies that might arise between the printed version of the documents of the competent Administration and the electronic ones.


The Website, as well as the logos, brands and other distinctive signs appearing therein, belong to the CSIC or collaborating bodies, and are protected under the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights.

The information available in this Webpage, unless explicitly provided otherwise, is subject to change. Thus, it is authorised the total or partial reproduction as well as its modification, distribution and communication for commercial and non-commercial purposes, subject to the following conditions:

  • In any circumstance, the denaturalisation of the information content is prohibited.
  • Users shall quote the source of the documents that have been reused.
  • Users shall mention the date of the latest update of the documents that have been reused.

The CSIC declares its respect for the intellectual and industrial property rights of third parties; therefore, if you consider that this site could be violating your rights, please contact the Spanish National Research Council.


Users who wish to set up a hyperlink between their website and that of the CSIC should be aware of the following:

  • The set-up of a hyperlink in no way implies that any relationship exists between the CSIC and the owner of the website that sets up the link, nor the acceptance or approval by the CSIC of its contents or services. Therefore, there will be no statement nor will it be led to be believed that the CSIC has expressly authorised the hyperlink nor that it has in any way supervised or assumed the services offered or made available on the website from where the hyperlink is set up.
  • The CSIC assumes no liability whatsoever, nor guarantees the quality, accuracy, reliability, correctness or moral nature of the contents or services that may be offered by the setting up of the hyperlink. Users assume the consequences, damages or actions that may result from access to the hyperlink website under their exclusive responsibility.
  • The website on which the hyperlink is set up may not contain any brand, name, logotype, slogan or other distinctive signs belonging to the CSIC, except those signs forming part of the hyperlink itself.
  • The website on which the hyperlink is set up will not contain information with unlawful content, content that is indecent or contrary to generally accepted good customs and public order, and neither will it have contents that contravene the rights of third parties.


The CSIC expressly prohibits the carrying out of “framings” or use by third parties of any other mechanisms which alter the design, original configuration or contents of its Website.


The gathering and automated treatment of the personal data collected through this web site have the purpose of managing the service requested by the user as well as its tracking. The treatment’s legal basis is the consent of the user, which is needed for the development of the public functions and missions of the CSIC, that is the responsible of this treatment.  It is not possible to establish a precise estimation of the time limits for erasure, that will depend on the case and the requested service.
The regulations require to publish by electronic means the inventory of treatment activities. In the Transparency (link) section of this web site appears the CSIC’s Record of Treatment Activities (RAT). Through the aforementioned links, it is possible to access the RATs corresponding to the CSIC’s central organization which specify, for each treatment, the identity of the controller, the legal basis, the purposes of the processing, the category of data, the expected deletion and a general description of the technical and organisational security measures.

In accordance with the Organic Law 3/2018, dated 5 December, on Personal Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD), the General Regulation of Data Protection (RGPD) and the related legislation, the CSIC undertakes to comply with the obligation of secrecy with regard to personal data and the duty to treat them confidentially after carrying out the corresponding risk analyses, in particular, in accordance with the First Additional Provision of the LOPDGDD, the security measures corresponding to those provided for in the National Security Scheme, necessary to prevent its alteration, loss, processing or unauthorised access.
Users may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, limitation or portability at any time by writing to the Secretary General of the CSIC at C/Serrano 117, 28006 MADRID (Spain), providing a photocopy of their National Identity Document (DNI) or through the CSIC’s Electronic Register, located at its Electronic Headquarters, for which they must have a recognised electronic certificate. It is possible to contact with the CSIC’s Data Protection Delegate though this email:

The CSIC reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy in order to adapt it to the latest legislations, jurisprudences or interpretations made by the Spanish Data Protection Agency.  In this case, the CSIC will announce such changes, clearly indicating in advance the modifications made, and requesting, if considered necessary, their acceptance.


Spanish law will be the law applicable in the event of any dispute or conflict in the interpretation of the terms comprising this Legal Notice, together with any issue relating to the services of this Website.

In order to resolve any conflict that may arise through visiting the Website or through use of the services offered therein, the CSIC and the User agree to submit themselves to the Judge and Tribunals corresponding to the User's home address, as long as this is located within Spanish territory.