Dr. Ana Crespo Solana

ITN - Coordinator & Head of WP1. History


Dr. Ana Crespo is PhD in Geography and History (Universidad de Cádiz, Spain) and Master in Latinoamerican History (Universidad Internacional de Andalucía). She has worked as a research fellow, invited lecturer and associate professor at several universities and research centres in Spain, Belgium, Germany and The Netherlands; and granted by several institutions. In 2003 she received the Ramon y Cajal Award of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Currently she is Tenured Scientist and Professor specialized in Caribbean and Atlantic History at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). She has lead several research project on Atlantic Economic and Social History and Spatial Humanities as: DynCoopNet (Dynamic Complexity of Cooperation-Based Self-Organizing Commercial Networks in the First Global Age), TECT/EUROCORES/ ESF, with J.B Owens; NACOM (Nations and Communities: comparative perspectives in Atlantic History) and GlobalNEt, both funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. She is a member of several Editorial (Hispania, Anuario de Estudios Americanos, Journal of Early American History), Advisory Board and scientific committee; and reviewer of the Standing Committee for the Humanities of the European Science Foundation, the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECYD), etc. She is the author of 8 books and over 60 essays and articles about the relations between Spain, The Low Countries and the Baltic in the XVIII century, especially in the fields of social and economic history and lead Principal investigator of various national and international research projects on Spanish colonial trade, merchant networks, European expansion in the Atlantic and GIS tools for the study of the Spanish Colonial Trade with America.




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The ForSEAdiscovery project follows the spirit and the text of the  UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage especially in the matters detailed in its Annex

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