Dendroarchaeology Workshop olds buildings and Ships. Lisboa. 10th November 2017.
Congreso de Humanidades Digitales Hispánicas HDH2017. Programme. Poster. Málaga, 18-20th October 2017
Seminario Internacional de Provincia Marítima a Parque Natural Orcera (Jaén). Poster. Programme.13-14 th October 2017
The 17 provinces of the Low Countries and the Iberian Peninsula: New perspectives and methodologies. Groningen, 28th September 2017
Conference: "Flamencos y Holandeses en el Cádiz moderno. Algo más que mercaderes de Indias" (Video).
New Video! Virtual diving at the Ribadeo shipwreck, Galicia, Spain. More videos: Gallery
Blog ForSEADiscovery
Blog Nautical Archaelogy
The ForSEAdiscovery project follows the spirit and the text of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage especially in the matters detailed in its Annex
Underwater Cultural Heritage