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- Dendroarchaeology Workshop olds buildings and ships. Lisboa. 10th November 2017.
- Congreso de Humanidades Digitales Hispánicas HDH2017. Málaga, 18-20th October 2017.
- Seminario Internacional de Provincia Marítima a Parque Natural Orcera (Jaén). 13-14 th October 2017
- The 17 provinces of the Low Countries and the Iberian Peninsula: New perspectives and methodologies. Groningen, 28th September 2017
- Curso de verano. España y los orígenes de la globalización, 1500-1800. Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (Santander). 7-9 Agosto 2017. Posibilidad de becas.
- Summer course: "Cádiz y la Bahía en el contexto internacional del siglo XVIII". Universidad de Cádiz. 3-5 July 2017.
- Workshop in Dendro-archaeology. Lisbon. Museu Nacional de Arqueologia. 11st April 2017.
- The Adventure of the Armadas: An Historical and Archaeological Perspective. CCHS-CSIC. Madrid (Spain). 28th February 2017.
Árvores, Barcos e Homens na Penísula Ibérica (Séculos XVI-XVIII), Lisboa (Portugal). 26-27th January 2017.
La ciudad de Lisboa como puerta hacia el mar: los sucesos de la nau Saõ Roque y la carrera de India (1602-1603). Koldo Trápaga Monchet. Lisbon (Portugal). 23rd January 2017.
‘Y al fin fue al Agua': Formas de provisión de madera y construcción naval para las Armadas Reales en Lisboa (1589-1621).
Koldo Trápaga Monchet. Lisboa (Portugal). 10th November 2016.
- Os navios ibéricos na expansão europeia: Tipologias e Tonelagens. Filipe Castro.Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Lisboa, Portugal). 31th October 2016.
- IKUWA 6. The Sixth International Congress on Underwater Archaelogy. Western Australia Museum. 28 November- 2 December, 2016. More Info.
- Heritage & Environment Research Cluster Seminar Series. Building Boats and Bridges. University of Wales Trinity Saint David. Arts Building, Lampeter Campus. 20th April-18th May 2016.
- Forest Resources for Iberian Empires: Ecology and Globalization in the Age of Discovery. University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Lampeter. 27th May 2016.
- 7th IMEHA International Congress Of Maritime History 2016, Australia More Info
- Workshop Dendrochronology & Wood Anatomy. Wageningen University, The Netherlands. 9-11 December 2015
- 6th Sound Toll Registers Online conference 2015. Antwerp, Belgium 22-23 October 2015. More Info.
- 14th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology (ISBSA 14) Gdańsk, Poland, 21-25 September 2015. More Info.
LASA2015 / Precariedades, exclusiones, emergencias (San Juan Puerto Rico, 28 May 2015)
- Workshop: Maritime Routes and Shipwrecks at the edge of the Iberian world. Download programme
- 1st Network Meeting & Intensive Training Workshop (Madrid, Spain, 12-17 January 2014).
- Dendrocronología aplicada al estudio del Patrimonio: principios, aplicaciones y casos
10 December, 2014. Salón de Actos del Museo de Pontevedra 12:00 h.
Oral Communication: Marta Domínguez Delmás
- Workshop: "A Gestão dos Recursos Florestais Ibéricos na Construção Naval da Idade Moderna: História e Arqueologia" November 26, 2014. Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Lisboa, Portugal)
- Congress Ikuwa V. October 15-19, 2014. Museo Nacional de Arqueología Subacuática. ARQVA, (Cartagena, España).
Communication: Nigel Nayling and Ana María Crespo Solana. "ForSEADiscovery: Forest Resources for Iberian Empires: Ecology and Globalization in the Age of Discovery" Download Abstract
- EuroDendro 2014
September 8-12, 2014. Lugo, Spain. European conference on dendrochronology.
More information: EuroDendro 2014
Presentation of the ForseaDiscovery Project. Download Poster
- Dissemination Day Dendrochronology and ForSEAdiscovery
September 7, 2014. Lugo, Spain. Day dedicated to present the research carried out at the University of Santiago de Compostela to the citizens of Lugo. A stand with posters, microscopes and different wooden objects will be located besides the town hall building.
- Scientific Meeting Forseadiscovery Project
May 23, 2014. Universidade Nova de Lisboa. (Lisboa, Portugal)
A gestão dos recursos florestais portugueses na construção naval da idade moderna: História e Arqueología
- Kick-off meeting
April 8 - 10 2014, Instituto de Historia, CCHS, CSIC