ER2: Sara Rich
Sara Rich is an (underwater) archaeologist and (art) historian. She has been working in Cyprus on the Mazotos and Nissia shipwreck excavations, and the Epipaleolithic surveys at Aspros and Nissi Beach and the Tremythos River Valley. Recent research uses speculative realism to address the archaeological object and its associated narrative, with a specific focus on cedar (Cedrus sp.) forests and timbers for shipbuilding in the East Mediterranean. Her first scholarly book, Cedar Forests, Cedar Ships: Lore, Allure, and Metaphor, is now prepared for publication.
Research & Education Appointments
2014-2016 Post-doctoral researcher (ER2), ForSEAdiscovery / Maritime Archaeology Ltd., Southampton, UK
2009-2013 Ph.D., University of Leuven, Belgium: Near Eastern Studies. Ship Timber as Symbol? Dendro-provenancing & Contextualizing Ancient Cedar Ship Remains in the Eastern Mediterranean / Near East
2006-2008 M.A., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee: Art History. ‘She Who Treads on Water’: Sacred/Secular in Phoenician Material Culture
1998-2003 B.F.A., University of Kansas: Studio Art; Art History minor. More Sides to Every Door: The Portal as a Fusion of Polarities
University Teaching Experience
Workshop Developer and Conductor, Ph.D. Society & LOKO International, KU Leuven
- Fall 2014: Academic Writing
- Spring 2014: Strategically Reading Scholarly Articles
- Fall 2013: Writing Workshop Series (six workshops, each given three times)
Associate Lecturer, Art History Department, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Spring 2010-2012: Ancient Egyptian Art & Archaeology
On-line Course Development, Art History Department, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Fall 2009: Ancient Egyptian Art & Archaeology
Teaching Assistant, Art History Department, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Spring 2008: Ancient to Medieval Art & Architecture, four weekly discussion sections
- Fall 2007-2008: Ancient to Medieval Art & Architecture, four weekly discussion sections
- Field School Instructor, Expeditions: Research in Applied Anthropology, KU Leuven, Gozo, Malta
- Summer 2008: Anthropological Photography; Field Anthropology
- Summer 2007: Anthropological Photography; Field Anthropology
Career Development Plan