ESR1: Ana Rita Trindade

Ana Rita Trindade concluded her Bachelor studies in History -  Archaeology in the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the New University of Lisbon, in 2005 and in 2013 obtained her Master degree in Archaeology, with the thesis “Convento de Santana de Leiria: história, vivências e cultura material (cerâmicas dos séculos XV a XVIII)”  - Santana Convent of Leiria: history living and material culture (ceramics of the 16th to 18th centuries).

After volunteer work experiences as a component of her undergraduate studies, she began her career as a professional archaeologist in commercial archaeology, by participating in different watching brief and archaeological excavation projects in the cities of Torres Vedras, Lisbon, Loures and Leiria, from 2004 to 2010. These projects were alternated by short periods in the public sector such as an internship in the Municipality of Leiria, from 2007 to 2008, as well as the archaeological excavation of the Santana Convent of Lisbon, promoted by the New University of Lisbon, in 2010. Since then, the Cultural Heritage Safeguard Plan of the Hydroelectric Exploitation of Baixo Sabor in Torre de Moncorvo, developed by ACE - Odebrecht, Bento Pedroso Construções S.A., Lena Construções, for EDP - Energias de Portugal, was the long term project in which she worked immediately before her admission in ForSEAdiscovery in 2014.

These different academic and professional experiences were devoted to the study of Modern and Contemporary periods and developed general and specific research interests such as Social History, Economy History, Cultural History, Urban Archaeology, Rural Archaeology, Etnography, Gender studies, History of Iberian Discoveries and Expansion, female religious communities, rural communities, traditional technologies, traditional construction, land tenure systems, evolution of the agricultural landscapes and exploitation of natural resources.

The dialogue between written sources and material culture, from a historical anthropological perspective, has been the spirit of her work and will guide her participation in ForSEAdiscovery.

Career Development Plan 

Name of fellow: Ana Rita Trindade
Department: Instituto de Historia (IH), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Name of Supervisor: Ana Crespo

Work Package 1 (WP1): Historical wood supply and dynamic trade networks

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The ForSEAdiscovery project follows the spirit and the text of the  UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage especially in the matters detailed in its Annex

Underwater Cultural Heritage

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