Documents (Publications, Reports & Working Papers)
Koldo Trápaga Monchet.
El estudio de los bosques reales de Portugal a través de la legislación forestal en las dinastías Avis, Habsburgo y Braganza (c. 1435-1650).
Philostrato. Revista de Historia y Arte, nº 1. Año 2017, pp. 5-27
Patricia Fonseca.
Tesouros do mar Português.
Visão 06-07-2017
Ana Crespo.
Supervisory Board meeting.
Supervisory Board meeting
Ana Crespo Solana, Nigel Nayling, Ignacio García González
5-6 April 2017
Nathan Gallagher.
A methodology for estimating the volume of Baltic timber to Spain using the Sound Toll Registers: 1670–1806.
International Journal of Maritime History, Vol 28, Issue 4, 2016
Gash-Tomás, J.L., Trápaga Monchet, K., Trindade, A.R..
Shipbuilding in times of war: Contracts for the construction of ships and provision of supplies in the Spanish Empire in the early seventeenth century.
The International Journal of Maritime History 2017, Vol. 29(1) 187–192 pp.
Adolfo Silveira Martins & Adolfo Martins.
Tróia 1, a journey in time and sea. Shipbuilding and the shipwreck.
Actas del V Congreso Internacional de Arqueología Subacuática (IKUWA V)
Cartagena, 15-18 de octubre de 2014
Ana Crespo-Solana & Nigel Nayling.
ForSEAdiscovery. Forest resources for Iberian Empires: Ecology and Globalization in the Age of Discovery (16th-18th centuries).
Actas del V Congreso Internacional de Arqueología Subacuática (IKUWA V)
Cartagena, 15-18 de octubre de 2014
Mohamed Traoré, Joeri Kaal, Antonio Martínez Cortizas.
Application of FTIR spectroscopy to the characterization of archeological wood.
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 153 (2016) 63–70 pp
Sara Rich, Sturt W. Manning, Patrick Degryse, Frank Vanhaecke & Karel Van Lerberghe.
Provenancing East Mediterranean cedar wood with the 87Sr/86Sr strontium isotope ratio.
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences ( ISSN 1866-9557)
Archaeol Anthropol Sci. DOI 10.1007/s12520-015-0242-7
Marta Domínguez-Delmás, Nigel Nayling, Tomasz Wazny, Vanessa Loureiro and Catherine Lavier.
Dendrochronological Dating and Provenancing of Timbers from the Arade 1 Shipwreck, Portugal.
The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology (2013) 42.1: 118–136